Our Stars Stories

Dex Richard Beaton

My Journey to Hope. I met my husband in college and we took our time getting to know each other. After dating for 5 years, we knew we were ready to start a family… so

Grayson Peter Kovacs Miller

Patrick & Mary’s story of stillbirth……. I decided I wanted to take my own maternity photos and write about my personal experience! I wanted to take the photos alone and using a tripod in my sons

Andrew Livingston

Jennifer & Mike Livingston’s story of stillbirth….. On July 27, 2015, after months of trying to conceive, we found out I was pregnant with our second child.  My husband, Mike, and I were over the

Grace Anne Kennedy

Elizabeth & Kevin’s stillbirth story… Life is made up of a bunch of fleeting moments. Some you catch hold of and can fully enjoy. Some fly by so fast they are a blur in your

Orion David

Marissa & Joseph’s stillbirth story…… I was 34 weeks pregnant with you. 34 weeks of loving you. 34 weeks of imagining and wondering…. singing to you… your big brother whispering secrets to you… your daddy

Lisa Grace Westbrook

Kevin & Angela’s story of full term stillbirth. My husband, Kevin, and I went to high school together where we were both in the marching band. Our senior year, we started dating. The following fall,

Anna Maria Labadie

In honor of our daughter, Anna, stillborn on  April 25, 2011, I have decided to share her story in hopes of creating awareness and helping even just one person experiencing the death of a baby.  We

No one is immune….. Katy Segal tells her story.

Stillbirth is a non-discriminatory destroyer of dreams – it doesn’t matter what your race, color, creed, marital status, age or religion is – whether you’re short or tall, whether you like chocolate or broccoli, gorgeous

Lily Anna Zingone

Lily Anna Zingone was delivered at 10:26 am on Thursday June 13, 2013 at the Harrisburg Hospital. She measured 19.5 inches and weighed 5 pounds 14 oz. Lily was stillborn. Dad cut her umbilical cord