Star Legacy Foundation Support Line
Call: 952-715-7731, Ext 1
Text: 952-715-7731
Calls are answered 8am-8pm.
Voicemails are returned within 4 hours between 8am-8pm
For immediate 24/7 assistance:
Suicide Prevention Hot Line: #988
National Maternal Mental Health Hotline:
Request a Peer Companion or
learn about our Support Groups
We are honored to provide support and resources to families expecting a new baby or experiencing a pregnancy loss or neonatal death. This section offers information about keeping a pregnancy healthy, how to help a family experiencing a loss, resources available to bereaved families, and commonly asked questions.
Perinatal medicine is changing rapidly. We support research aimed at stillbirth prevention and care and work to bring emerging evidence to health providers. Additionally, we offer support and evidence-based resources to providers who care for families experiencing perinatal loss.
Volunteers are the lifeblood of our organization and we welcome others who share our passion for the prevention of stillbirth and support for families who experience these tragic losses. There are many ways to join our team or support our efforts.
Congrats on your new little one! This is an exciting time filled with many emotions. We believe that Every Pregnancy Deserves A Happy Ending. Information here can empower you with medical research to help keep your pregnancy and baby safe!
Star Legacy Foundation is a community of health professionals, families, researchers, policy makers, and advocates dedicated to healthy pregnancy outcomes and stillbirth prevention. We provide education, support research, offer family support, raise awareness, and encourage advocacy regarding pregnancy loss and neonatal death. Our focus is to prevent these stillbirths and ensure optimal care for families when prevention isn’t possible. Our passion comes from the memory of babies who left us too soon and the belief that every pregnancy deserves a happy ending.
The Pregnancy Research Project is a research study bringing together patients and researchers to advance knowledge and discover preventions and treatments for poor pregnancy outcomes.
Mark your calendar now and plan to join us! The Summit for Perinatal Excellence (formally known as the Stillbirth Summit) has become the nation’s premier event focused on stillbirth research and prevention. Gather with internationally acclaimed researchers from around the world who share our passion for ending these needless tragedies.
The Stillbirth Scorecard is designed to bring stillbirth out of the shadows and raise our collective awareness about the number of families being impacted by these deaths every day. We must first understand the problem before we can fix it.
Star Legacy Foundation provides continuing education workshops on numerous topics pertaining to pregnancy & infant loss.
Star Legacy Foundation provides live, interactive, online support groups for families who have experienced a perinatal loss and for individuals experiencing a pregnancy after a loss.
Thank you for visiting our store. We have added items here that we hope you will find useful. If you are looking for something in particular but do not find it here, please let us know – we will do our best to help you find what you are looking for.
We will never forget the precious babies who left us too soon. Star Legacy Foundation initiatives are inspired by their memories. We honor and remember our ‘stars’ in this memorial. You are invited to remember these babies with us and add your own ‘star’. Memorial pages for individual ‘stars’ are also available.
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Registered 501(c)(3) EIN: 26-0227601