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Safe Sleep in Pregnancy

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Blog: Side Sleep – What Does It Mean?

Safe Sleep in Pregnancy

Star Legacy Foundation is honored to be partnering with Tommy’s in the UK and Still Aware in Australia for the #SleepOnSide campaign to educate expectant mothers and health professionals across the globe about safe sleep during pregnancy.  There are now 4 studies from around the world that have had the same finding: women who sleep on their backs during the 3rd trimester have a higher rate of stillbirth than women who sleep on their sides. 

Research will never provide a perfect answer for all situations, and #SleepOnSide is not a ‘magic bullet’ that will end all stillbirths. But, there is much we can learn from the data in these studies. For more information, please visit our Sleep Research Studies page and Sleep FAQs, and read our Executive Director Lindsey Wimmer’s blog post about safe sleep practices. Still have questions? Please feel free to contact us.

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