To our precious baby girl, Blakely. Loved more than words can express!
We fell more and more in love with Blakely, our Angel, from the moment we knew she existed. My husband had two boys from a previous marriage and this was the first time I have ever been pregnant. My husband and I would joke with each other about the sex of the baby. Pretty much from the beginning I had a feeling it was a girl so I would always call the baby a “she” and he said he couldn’t have girls, lol, and always said it was a boy. When the sex of the baby was revealed I was so excited but wasn’t surprised but you could feel the excitement from my husband just from the look on his face. It was such a sweet moment.
We were blessed for the time we had to enjoy her in our lives even if it was only 6 short months of pregnancy. During that time, we got to “share” so many things with her: Beach trip, trip to the mountains, Jeep rides, hugs from her Daddy and two older brothers, love from us and countless others and the list goes on.
All these precious moments will forever be in our hearts and wouldn’t trade them for anything.
But God decided He needed her more and had other plans so He called her home early. I hadn’t felt her move for a few days so after some back and forth we decided to go to hospital. They found no heartbeat, no movement. It was confirmed, she had passed away. No visible problems and not sure what caused it. I delivered her, her daddy cut the umbilical cord and her daddy and I got to hold her for a little while. She was 1lb 9oz, 14″ long.
Sometimes I still get thoughts like my purpose and hopes and dreams for her and our future have been ripped away from us. But almost as soon as those thoughts come in, I’m flooded with God’s peace and I know she’s up in Heaven wrapped in Jesus’ arms playing and laughing. It’s such a comfort to know the first thing she saw when she opened her eyes was Jesus!
So baby angel girl, know we love you and miss you so and will see you soon!