Our Stars Stories

Daniel Jackson and Cheyne William Taylor

Donate in Memory of Daniel and Cheyne Hi, my name is Tamara. To tell our story I have to go back to the August before I got pregnant. My husband Tim hadn’t been feeling well

Zayne Martin Paszkiewicz

Donate in memory of zayne On November 18, 2015, our perfect full term baby boy, Zayne Martin Paszkiewicz was born still.  We started this heartbreaking journey on the morning of November 16th, when our story

Walk To Remember

Donate to Walk to Remember My name is Cate Ross. On December 8th I woke up in the middle of the night to what I thought were contractions. I woke my boyfriend DJ up telling him it

Timothy Robert Benton

Donate in memory of Timothy Previous Next Timothy was due in February but due to complications he was delivered 3 months early. He was born via c section November 20th 2019 and was only about

Oliver Allen Webber

Donate in memory of Oliver Allen Webber My husband (Tony) and I knew we wanted to start a family together in 2015. We were very excited to see a positive pregnancy test in April 2016.

Arya Lyanna Rice

Donate in memory of Arya Tragedy is never an easy thing to talk about. So, let’s start with joy. On February 15th, Arya’s mom, Vicki, took a pregnancy test and found out she was pregnant.

Amelia-Jayne Reynolds

Donate in memory of Amelia-Jayne This will take you through many emotions from sadness to happiness and back again. For me I feel Stillbirth is a subject that many people do not know how to

Lisa Hromada

Lisa Hromada tells her story of her three losses and her path forward.

Aidan Christopher Davis

Donate in memory of Aidan This is the hardest thing I’ve ever had to write, but on May 29, 2020 we lost our baby boy, our beautiful son. Aidan Christopher Davis was born sleeping, stillborn