Our Stars Stories

Blakely Baye Turner

To our precious baby girl, Blakely. Loved more than words can express! We fell more and more in love with Blakely, our Angel, from the moment we knew she existed. My husband had two boys

Savannah Hope Schumacher

Our beautiful daughter, Savannah Hope Schumacher, was born an angel on October 9, 2015. She spent over 33 weeks being nurtured and loved by Jill and was lost to a terrible umbilical cord accident. And

Faith Ruben

My baby, Faith, was stillborn on my birthday in June of 2013. I was 8 months pregnant. At my anatomy scan, the doctors found what they thought was a small cyst in her small intestine.

Aiden Parker Reinertson

On May 7, 2009 our son Aiden Parker was born into heaven. Aiden was 38.5 weeks gestation and died from a having the umbilical cord wrapped around his neck. He was our 4th born child.

Mary Alice & Amelia Pratt

A Journey Through Stillbirth, Mary-Alice and Amelia’s Story as told by their parents, Jason and Tandy Pratt Tandy called me at work on March 31, 2008.  “I haven’t felt the baby kick in a while.” she said

Arabella Renee Outlaw

There are really no words to express how I feel, but I wanted to share a bit about my daughter and the immense joy she brought to my life. Arabella and I shared many private

Matthew Christopher Ommen

On July 13, 2015, we welcomed our beautiful baby boy, Matthew Christopher Ommen into this world. Although his life on this earth only lasted a few minutes outside of his mom’s protection, we couldn’t be

Christine’s Stillbirth Story

Christine Mom to Madison March 17, 2014 Chatham, New Jersey Source: Faces of Loss Our first child never saw the world. On March 17, 2014, we went into the hospital, 38 weeks pregnant, and they

After Stillbirth, A Silent Delivery Room

By Jessica Naudziunas and Margaret Cheatham Williams on  June 22, 2015. Watch in Times Video » Silence of Stillbirth One in 160 pregnancies in the United States ends in stillbirth. Eleni Michailidis lost her baby,

Alana Marie Banerjee

Samantha Mom to Alana Stillborn October 4, 2013 Katonah, New York Source: Faces of Loss Alana Marie Banerjee was born on October 4th, 2013 at 2:21 a.m. – 6 lbs 8 oz of pure joy