Blog – Stillbirth Matters

Dr. Barbara Toppin

Dr. Barbara Toppin is an obstetrician, author, and fierce advocate for families. She is not afraid to think outside the box to help families have successful and healthy pregnancies. As the new Board Chair for Star Legacy Foundation, she brings leadership, strength, compassion, and ideas that are critical to making progress toward the prevention and improved care of perinatal loss.

Elizabeth Minton

Dr. Elizabeth Minton is a researcher, marketing professor, and bereaved mother. In this episode, she describes how these roles have inspired her recent work looking into how social norms and activities play a role in perinatal bereavement.

Denise Nelsen

In her role as a Family Support Specialist for Star Legacy Foundation, Denise Nelsen speaks with hundreds of families who are impacted by pregnancy loss and infant death. Her training in social work, plus her own experience as a bereaved grandmother, helped shape her unique approach to ensuring families have the support they need along their grief journeys. In this episode, we learn more about Denise and what she has learned about working with these families.

What is Your Why?

Why do I work with Star Legacy Foundation toward stillbirth prevention? by Lindsey Wimmer, RN, MSN, PHN, CPNP, CPLC – Executive Director Like so many advocates in the stillbirth community, my “why” began with a

The Gift of Intuition

Click to listen to the podcast with Claire Thorwick The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is its faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has

Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Stillbirth

ASMA KHALIL, MD (RES), MS The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on healthcare systems, societal structures and the world economy. The adverse effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on maternal and perinatal health are

Preventing Term Stillbirth: How Important is Fetal Size?

PROFESSOR BASKY THILAGANATHAN The presentation will seek to differentiate the nutritional (food) and respiratory (oxygen) functions of the placenta and discuss which assessments are more strongly associated and predictive of pregnancies at high risk of