decreased fetal movement

“What’s the truth about cord accidents?”

by Lindsey Wimmer, MSN, CPNP I was asked this question earlier this week.  And it’s a very good question.  There are so many conflicting thoughts, ideas, and beliefs regarding the role of the umbilical cord

Obstetrics from a Pediatric Perspective

by Lindsey Wimmer, MSN, CPNP A frequent frustration of families who have endured a stillbirth is the feeling that their OB or midwife wasn’t worried about the baby until the actual delivery, or until it

The STARS Study is underway!

By Lindsey Wimmer, MSN, CPNP The STARS Study is underway!! We at the Star Legacy Foundation are incredibly excited to share this news with you! One year ago at the Stillbirth Summit, a group of

Thinking outside the box……

Last October, Star Legacy Foundation hosted the Stillbirth Summit 2011.  After thinking about this type of an event for a while, we decided to pull the trigger and make it happen! There are so many

Busting Pregnancy Myths……

By Lindsey Wimmer, MSN, CPNP My family is a huge fan of the show Mythbusters.  If you haven’t seen it, this group of scientists/engineers/mathematicians/Hollywood stunt men find common myths in our society and test them

My baby is dead? What happened?

We invite you to answer a brief survey after you read this post..  click here to go to the survey. by Lindsey Wimmer, MSN, CPNP I was 26 years old, had been married for 3

Counting Kicks is Easy as 1-2-3

By Lindsey Wimmer, MSN, CPNP Kick counting during pregnancy seems too easy to be valuable – right?!?  Many healthcare providers and pregnant women do not recognize the importance and potential benefit of something so simple. 

The end of stillbirth is near…….

 This is it…..the last posting we’ll ever have to make about preventing stillbirth!  You see, I just figured out how to get some attention to the matter and motivate the healthcare industry to get with