Star Awards

Star Legacy Foundation will recognize individuals, groups and organizations that are making a difference regarding pregnancy & infant loss issues with its Star Awards. The awards will be given in the areas of our mission pillars:



The awards will be presented during the opening session at the Stillbirth Summit on June 21, 2017 in Bloomington, MN.


Nominees are individuals and organizations recognized for making a contribution to stillbirth prevention and care. A description of each award is described below.  Nominees can be individuals, organizations, professionals, projects, businesses – anyone who positively impacts the issues surrounding stillbirth. With the exception of the research award, preference is given to those working in North America. Individuals submitting nominations will also be mentioned at the time of the award presentation.  Individual and organizations are nominated by the community and selected by public voting.


Online voting will occur April 20 – May 15, 2017


Click on a category to view nominees.

The recipient of this award will demonstrate dedication to stillbirth prevention or care of bereaved families. Their work will represent understanding of the issues important to families with preference given to those who engage in collaborative efforts and emerging ideas.  This award is available internationally.

The recipient of this award has proven efforts in educating health professionals and/or expectant families about stillbirth prevention or care. Their work will reflect recent evidence and be aimed at improving outcomes for families.  This award is available to individuals in North America.

The recipient of this award has been effective in bringing stillbirth out of the shadows. They have shown the ability to connect with our society to bring attention to the needs of the stillbirth community.  This award is available to individuals in the United States

The recipient of this award will have demonstrated results in affecting policies changes to improve the outcome for expectant families or the care received by bereaved families. Preference for efforts that address issues in the United States, include marginalized populations, and required collaboration.  This award is available to individuals in North America.

The recipients of this award will have led by example in creating environments helpful to grieving families. These individuals or organizations understand the various needs of those experiencing perinatal loss and implement practical methods to support these families. These awards are available to individuals in North America.

Star Awards

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