From early on in their pregnancy with Emilia, Mike and Allison decided that books would be a large part of Emilia’s childhood. They read her their favorite childhood books when they were pregnant, and often told their family that Emilia wanted books (not toys) for all future holidays.
Sadly and unexpectedly, after a seemingly healthy pregnancy, doctors discovered that Emilia’s heart was no longer beating at 36 weeks 6 days gestation. Mike and Allison made several special memories together with Emilia after she was born. They held her, read her poems to articulate their love, and sang her a special song that they commonly sang throughout their pregnancy. However, in their state of shock, they did not think to read her a book — something that, in retrospect, they wish they would have done.
When they read about the Western New York chapter of Star Legacy Foundation creating book libraries in hospitals for parents of stillborn babies (see below), they knew they had to implement something similar at hospitals in St. Louis. Mike and Allison are starting this project in honor of Emilia’s first birthday (September 9th, 2022). The libraries will contain a variety of children’s books for families to choose from to read to their baby, providing an opportunity for them to create a special memory with their baby in the limited time they have together. Hospital staff will be aware of and will suggest this option to newly bereaved parents. Parents will be able to bring the book home with them as a cherished memento of their time with their baby.
Please consider donating to help Mike and Allison reach their goal of implementing an “Angel Book Library” at two local hospitals in St. Louis, Missouri. There are several ways to donate by using the buttons above:
- Amazon wish list containing books for the Angel Libraries, ensuring sensitive selections have been made. An in-kind donation receipt can be provided upon request from Star Legacy Foundation.
- Direct donation to Star Legacy Foundation “St. Louis Angel Book Library” fund page. Donations to this fund are tax deductible and a donation receipt will be issued. Cash donations will be utilized to purchase the book shelf and additional books as needed.
Thank you in advance for your donations and for helping to provide a loving resource for future parents of stillborn babies. Donations will be accepted through July 31, 2022. If you have any questions, you can reach Mike and Allison by email at [email protected].
Our Vision for St. Louis.......
Western New York Chapter bookshelf donation at Crouse Health in Syracuse NY (March 2022). The book program gifts each family who loses a baby(ies) a baby book keepsake to read to their child at the hospital and then bring it home with them as a keepsake. If you would like to help us make this a reality in St. Louis, please donate using the buttons above.
Mike and Allison
Your strength during this tough time is what will get through and continue to have Emilia in our memory and lives forever. We keep you in prayer for continued strength.
Mike and Allison
Our prayers and thoughts are with you each day. God will give you the strength you need to move forward and Emilia is in your hearts forever.
Love, Uncle Joe and Aunt Buntin
Allison and Mike
You are often in our thoughts and prayers. Our prayer is for continued strength and courage to get through each day, knowing that your baby girl will always be alive in your hearts.
Neil and Kathy