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Media Resources

MUSIC, BOOKS, PODCASTS, FILMS AND BLOGS​ for Pregnancy and Infant loss

After the loss of a baby, some will find comfort in reading books, listening to podcasts or watching movies.  Here, you will find media resources categorized by books, songs, movies and podcasts.  We hope these resources bring you comfort.  If you would like to add a resource to our website, please email us.

Recommended Books

We have categorized our book recommendations for pregnancy and infant loss based on types of loss.  Select each link to view the books in each category.

Recommended Songs

Below is a list of songs other bereaved families have shared with us as being helpful in their grief.  Some have played this music during their stay at the hospital.  We hope this music will bring you peace and comfort. 

Recommended Podcasts

Below is a list of podcasts that other grieving families have found helpful.  These podcasts have been separated into different categories to help you decide what best meets your needs.

Please know that Star Legacy Foundation is not affiliated with these Podcasts or their content.  Thank you to all who have shared these resources with us.  We hope that these resources give you comfort.

Pregnancy Loss, Infant Loss and Child Loss

General Loss and Grief Podcasts

Pregnancy and Infant Loss Support for Dads Podcasts

Stillbirth Research and Prevention

Recommended Blogs and Movies

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