The Star Legacy Foundation and First Candle are partnering to offer a unique opportunity for parents and families to honor their children and recognize the efforts of so many who are committed to issues surrounding stillbirth and SIDS. Financial and moral support is needed to help promote the research collaboration that happens best when people network and share their work in person.
On October 5-7, 2012 in Baltimore, MD some of the most passionate researchers from around the world will gather together to ponder the evidence and collaborate on new thoughts in the prevention of stillbirth and sudden unexplained infant death.
You can help by purchasing a star to honor a child or a champion of children!
Purchase a personalized star for a minimum donation of $25 from the Star Legacy Foundation in memory of an angel child or in honor of all children or champions of children. These stars will be prominently displayed at the awards banquet to remind everyone how important stillbirth and SIDS research and prevention efforts are and that these precious babies are important and remembered. Your contribution is tax deductible and your stars will be mailed to you at the conclusion of the event. All proceeds will further research, education and prevention efforts.
Honor a child’s memory, recognize a colleague, or thank a special friend or health care provider. If you are unable to attend the conference you can use this opportunity to be there in spirit.
We need your help. Each star purchased will make a tremendous difference! Thank you.
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This is wonderful!
My son and other angels brighten the sky at night