Creativity – a powerful healing force….

January 13, 2012

by Lindsey Wimmer
I admit that I am a new Pinterest junkie! I am more of a stalker than a contributor, but I absolutely love seeing the fabulous ideas and creativity of others. As a very left-brained person, I can definitely use the assistance in this area.

My journey since my son’s stillbirth has introduced me to so many of these wonderful, inspiring, creative people. Some use their talents to help others heal, some to express their own emotions, some as their own therapy. These types of outlets allow beautiful creations to emerge from devastation.

At the Stillbirth Summit in October, three such people presented a workshop on using creativity and the arts in the healing and grieving processes. Naomi Arnold is a professional composer and pianist who shares the story of her two stillborn children through her music. Heather Sauerbrey creates a variety of crafts and mementos to honor and remember her five children lost during pregnancy. Sue Mosquera started My Forever Child after the stillbirth of her son and uses metals to create lasting physical memories of these babies. They did an incredible job of explaining their process and how it is helpful to them and to others. I was especially touched that all three women with tragic losses themselves have found such comfort in aiding others in their grief journey.

The arts can be a powerful force and one that is often over-looked or underestimated. If you are grieving or know someone who is, take a moment to consider how this realm may provide some comfort and peace in the most tumultuous of times. We’d love to hear about the creativity that helps you in your journey!

Wishing you abundant blessings….

Lindsey Wimmer, a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner, is Mom to four children; Garrett who was stillborn in 2004, Grant, Bennett and Austyn. Lindsey and her husband Trent founded the Star Legacy Foundation shortly after Garrett’s birth when realizing that the numbers of stillbirths in the US were staggering and that very little was being done to determine the causes or find prevention initiatives. Visit the Star Legacy Foundation  to learn more.

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Photographs by Abby Libsack photography

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