Juliette Marie Adams

November 2, 2019
Donate in memory of Juliette

Hello my name is Brittany Mackey this is my story .

October 17th was your due date. The day you were definitely suppose to be home with your family ! Your special arrival your birthday.

But instead September 30th they discovered that my sweet Juliette no longer had a heartbeat. My world was turned upside down in a matter of seconds. My second baby girl would be stillborn.

I was 37 weeks and 4 days pregnant, when I gave birth to my daughter Juliette. Weak and heartbroken laying on the table being cut open. She was born silent and sleeping, with no heartbeat found. 5lbs 1oz 17.5 inches, born at 10:35pm – she was perfect , with beautifully sculpted lips, a tiny button nose and ten perfect fingers and ten precious toes. Head full of beautiful dark brown hair really just looked like a sweet sleeping baby doll.  She was her big sisters twin!!

I prayed and needed for her to wake up, to open her eyes to me, to make a sound, to breathe in life, to live. We continually prayed for a miracle, but whatever reason, it didn’t happened. She never took a breath. My sweet Juliette opened her eyes to Jesus. In my arms, I held her lifeless body. I watched the color of her skin darken and she became even more delicate. Her skin began to slip or peel away. She was cold to the touch, even wrapped in all her soft blankets, there was no warmth or life left in her tiny body.

All the hopes and dreams we had, passed away with her.  I held her for hours I kept her in my room the 4 days I was in the hospital. The most heartbreaking 4 days of my life but I cherished  the moments I got to spend with her. I snuggled her in kisses, talked to her and said the unimaginable goodbyes.

I left the hospital with empty arms and aching breasts. No birth announcement just cremation arrangements .

That day changed me, she changed me. Many tears and devastating cries followed as the days after turned to weeks. Time marched on, with no hesitation. Almost 1 month later I’m still hurting I still remember every second and replay it in my head over and over . I am learning how to live with this pain, and walking this road of grief has been difficult.

We miss our sweet little angel, she was so perfect , and we will never let her be forgotten. I love her more than my own life itself, and I miss her more then words can express. I will honor her life and her name by always writing about her, talking about her , and she will always be carried in my heart.

Skylette knows her sister is our Angel she doesn’t understand why . She has been waiting years to have a sibling we were all so excited and anxious. 

Forever & Always Mommy’s Perfect Little Angel -Juliette Marie Adams

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