My name is Giovanna. My son, Julian, was born still on November 7, 2023. I was 35 weeks +4 days pregnant. Julian was an active baby up until my 35th week of pregnancy. I began to notice his movements slowed down drastically. After visiting the emergency room on November 3, 2023 with complaints of decreased fetal movement, I was sent home. On paper, Julian was a healthy little boy. His ultrasound at the emergency room showed movement and his heart rate was within normal range. On November 6, 2023, I went in for a normal OB appointment only to hear the words that my baby’s heart was no longer beating. I delivered my son via c-section on November 7, 2023. After weeks of waiting, we learned that Julian was bleeding internally with no definitive cause. I lost the love of my life, and am still learning to live through this darkness.
Rest in Peace my handsome boy,
Mommy and Daddy love you.

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