In this episode, Chris Duffy visits with Susannah Hopkins Leisher. Susannah “Zan” is a fourth-year doctoral student in epidemiology at Columbia University, focused on stillbirth. She is also an honorary research fellow at the Stillbirth Centre for Research Excellence at the Mater Research Institute of the University of Queensland, Australia; chair of the International Stillbirth Alliance; co-chair of the Stillbirth Advocacy Working Group founded by WHO’s Partnership for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health; and a member of the WHO/UNICEF Every Newborn Action Plan Management Team. Prior to moving to perinatal epidemiology, she spent over 20 years working on global poverty alleviation in Asia, Africa and Central America, including ten years living and working in Vietnam. Ms. Leisher is the mother of three living sons and Wilder Daniel, stillborn at 38½ weeks on July 13, 1999, with no cause found.
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