Hey I’m Ashley Biggs i want to tell you about my story it all started back in 2019 I found out I was pregnant in December after having bad cramps in my belly I wasn’t excited because by this time I had already lost 5 babies by miscarriage and now here I am pregnant again. My due date was September 2 and I was convinced my pregnancy would end in another loss. Fast forward to July 11, 2020 I was sick and went to labor and delivery. My blood pressure was high and they did so much to get it to lower but on the evening of July 13, 2020 the doctors came in and said that since I was 32 weeks along they were just going to go ahead and take the baby by emergency c-section. That day I gave birth to a 3 pound 15 ounce baby boy and named him Eric Devon Mosley III. When he was two weeks old we were released from the hospital. Then on October 3 he started having issues breathing and was taken to Williamsburg hospital and transported to Children’s Hospital in Norfolk. But on the way to the hospital the paramedic truck over heated and broke down on the side of the road my son never made it alive to Children’s. Sweet Eric is missed every day and loved so much.
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