Alabama Chapter

Welcome to the Alabama Chapter of the Star Legacy Foundation!

Based in Huntsville, Alabama, our service includes the entire state of Alabama.

Established in July 2017, we are a motivated group of parents, grandparents, siblings, relatives and friends of stillborn babies.

Our mission is to educate the medical community and public about stillbirth, raise funds for research, and ultimately prevent the loss of children to stillbirth.

Peer support is also available! Peer Companions are individuals who have first-hand experience with pregnancy loss and neonatal death and have been trained to help others along their grief journey. This support line is at 952.715.7731 extension 1.

We believe that stillbirth is a tragic loss that in many cases can be prevented. We hope to lower the number of stillbirths in Alabama which is currently leading the nation with the highest number of fetal mortality.

If you are in our area and want to connect with other parents who have experienced the loss of a stillborn child, or want to learn more about our cause, please contact us at [email protected]

Stillbirth Facts – why we do what we do……

  1. Statistics: Top Ten Facts of Stillbirths in the US (source
    1. Alabama leads nation in rate of fetal mortality in the nation at 8.88 fetal deaths for every 1,000 live births. The national rate is 5.96/1000 live births.
    2. Stillbirth is the most understudied issue in medicine today.
    3. The stillbirth rate in the US has not changed in the last 50 years.
    4. More than 26,000 babies are stillborn each year – 71 per day.
    5. One in 160 pregnancies end in stillbirth.
    6. 50% of stillbirths occur at full term and often seem to be otherwise healthy babies.
    7. 85% of stillbirths occur before delivery.
    8. More babies are stillborn annually than die from prematurity and SIDS combined.
    9. 77% of parents never worried their baby would die after the first trimester.
    10. The US ranks 48th out of 49 developed nations in the world for annual rate of reduction of stillbirths.

Source: Star Legacy Foundation

Contact the Alabama Chapter

952-715-7731 ext. 706
[email protected]

Alabama Chapter Upcoming Events

Contact us if you would like us to bring an educational event to your organization!  Click here for a list of potential topics.

Grief Support

If you or someone you know is grieving the loss of a child, you can call 952-715-7731 x 1.  Certified Grief Counselors staff this support line.

Star Legacy Foundation provides online support groups for several different audiences.  There is no charge to attend however, preregistration is required for the first time attendee.  Our groups are held over web based, two-way interactive video conferencing that is encrypted and HIPAA compliant.  Your privacy is important to us.  Contact us for information to pre-register.  Groups are currently held for:

  • Bereaved Parents
  • Pregnancy After Loss
  • Bereaved grandparents and extended family & friends


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Helpful Information

Alabama Local Resources Guide

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Alabama Chapter

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