Statement on Racism

June 2020

Like so many Americans, we have been disturbed and heartbroken by the images and activities of the last few weeks regarding racism in the United States. The death of any person based on their race is horrifying. We stand behind our core values that include condemning discrimination, harassment, violence, racism, and all other forms of hate.

Star Legacy Foundation is committed to being part of the solution. While the enormity of social injustice is outside the capacity and expertise of our organization, we are determined to make a difference where these issues intersect with our mission.

Unfortunately, awareness of racial disparities in stillbirth, neonatal death, and maternity care are not new to us at Star Legacy. In the past, we have encouraged opportunities for minority voices to be recognized and offer education on cultural care as it pertains to maternal/child health. Our research efforts include many elements that look at the social and scientific contributors to the disparities.

In 2019, we launched the Stillbirth Scorecard that aimed to highlight the epidemiologic and demographic issues in stillbirth. For the nation and each state, the racial statistics are called out as critical concerns. As a follow up, we created a Diversity and Inclusion Team. The aim of this group is to ensure all of our current programs are culturally sensitive and welcoming to all and to identify new programs that will more explicitly address and reduce the racial disparity in rates of stillbirth and neonatal death.

The recent events have made us more aware than ever that our efforts need to be intentional and clearly visible. We are committed to listening and learning from all who are willing to share their perspective. We welcome those who have passion and experience with these issues to contribute to our work and join our team. We promise to strive for continual improvement in our initiatives. We will continue to advocate for stillbirth prevention and care in the Black community and all marginalized communities. We encourage input, questions, and concerns from those we serve to make us a stronger organization.

Star Legacy Foundation Board of Directors

Statement on Racism

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