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Star Legacy Foundation is committed to the pursuit of evidence-based practice as the key to reducing perinatal death in the United States. All Star Legacy Foundation publications, education and statements are based upon the best available evidence. In addition to research, we support many forms of evidence in healthcare including patient and provider experience.

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Azpurua, H., Funai, E., Coraluzzi, L., Doherty, L., Sasson, I., Kliman, M., & Kliman, H. (2010). Determination of placental weight using two-dimensional sonography and volumetric mathematic modeling. American Journal of Perinatology27(02), 151–155.
Cronin, R. S., Li, M., Thompson, J. M. D., Gordon, A., Raynes-Greenow, C. H., Heazell, A. E. P., Stacey, T., Culling, V. M., Bowring, V., Anderson, N. H., O’Brien, L. M., Mitchell, E. A., Askie, L. M., & McCowan, L. M. E. (2019). An individual participant data meta-analysis of maternal going-to-sleep position, interactions with fetal vulnerability, and the risk of late stillbirth. EClinicalMedicine10, 49–57.
Fisher, M. L., Whitworth, M., & Heazell, A. E. P. (2011). Green-Top Guideline 57: Reduced fetal movements. Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists.
Hasegawa, J., Matsuoka, R., Ichizuka, K., Sekizawa, A., & Okai, T. (2009). Ultrasound diagnosis and management of umbilical cord abnormalities. Taiwanese Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology48(1), 23–27.
Heazell, A. E. P., Warland, J., Stacey, T., Coomarasamy, C., Budd, J., Mitchell, E. A., & O’Brien, L. M. (2017). Stillbirth is associated with perceived alterations in fetal activity – findings from an international case control study. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth17(1), 369.
McGregor, J. A., & Perhach, M. (2021). Prenatal-onset GBS (POBGS) sepsis is a distinct cause of stillbirth and perinatal mortality. Group B Strep International.
Metz, T. D., Berry, R. S., Fretts, R. C., Reddy, U. M., & Turrentine, M. A. (2020). Obstetric Care Consensus #10: Management of stillbirth. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology222(3), B2–B20.
Stacey, T., Thompson, J. M., Mitchell, E. A., Ekeroma, A. J., Zuccollo, J. M., & McCowan, L. M. (2011). Relationship between obesity, ethnicity and risk of late stillbirth: A case control study. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth11(1), 3.
Stillbirth Collaborative Research Network Writing Group. (2011). Causes of death among stillbirths. JAMA306(22), 2459.
Warland, J., Dorrian, J., Morrison, J. L., & O’Brien, L. M. (2018). Maternal sleep during pregnancy and poor fetal outcomes: A scoping review of the literature with meta-analysis. Sleep Medicine Reviews41, 197–219.
Warland, J., McCutcheon, H., & Baghurst, P. (2008). Maternal blood pressure in pregnancy and stillbirth: A case-control study of third-trimester stillbirth. American Journal of Perinatology25(5), 311–317.
Wilson, B. (2008). Sonography of the placenta and umbilical cord. Radiologic Technology79(4), 333S-345S.
Yerlikaya, G., Akolekar, R., McPherson, K., Syngelaki, A., & Nicolaides, K. H. (2016). Prediction of stillbirth from maternal demographic and pregnancy characteristics: Prediction of stillbirth from maternal factors. Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology48(5), 607–612.

Azpurua, H., Funai, E., Coraluzzi, L., Doherty, L., Sasson, I., Kliman, M., & Kliman, H. (2010). Determination of placental weight ssing two-dimensional sonography and volumetric mathematic modeling. American Journal of Perinatology, 27(02), 151–155.

Cronin, R. S., Li, M., Thompson, J. M. D., Gordon, A., Raynes-Greenow, C. H., Heazell, A. E. P., Stacey, T., Culling, V. M., Bowring, V., Anderson, N. H., O’Brien, L. M., Mitchell, E. A., Askie, L. M., & McCowan, L. M. E. (2019). An individual participant data meta-analysis of maternal going-to-sleep position, interactions with fetal vulnerability, and the risk of late stillbirth. EClinicalMedicine, 10, 49–57.

Fisher, M. L., Whitworth, M., & Heazell, A. E. P. (2011). Green-Top Guideline 57: Reduced fetal movements. Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists.

Hasegawa, J., Matsuoka, R., Ichizuka, K., Sekizawa, A., & Okai, T. (2009). Ultrasound diagnosis and management of umbilical cord abnormalities. Taiwanese Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 48(1), 23–27.

Heazell, A. E. P., Warland, J., Stacey, T., Coomarasamy, C., Budd, J., Mitchell, E. A., & O’Brien, L. M. (2017). Stillbirth is associated with perceived alterations in fetal activity – findings from an international case control study. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 17(1), 369.

Heazell, A. E. P., Wojcieszek, A. M., Graham, N., & Stephens, L. (2019). Care in pregnancies after stillbirth and perinatal death. International Journal of Birth and Parent Education, 6(2), 23–28.

McGregor, J. A., & Perhach, M. (2021). Prenatal-onset GBS (POBGS) sepsis is a distinct cause of stillbirth and perinatal mortality. Group B Strep International.

Metz, T. D., Berry, R. S., Fretts, R. C., Reddy, U. M., & Turrentine, M. A. (2020). Obstetric Care Consensus #10: Management of stillbirth. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 222(3), B2–B20.

Mills, T., Ricklesford, C., Cooke, A., Heazell, A., Whitworth, M., & Lavender, T. (2014). Parents’ experiences and expectations of care in pregnancy after stillbirth or neonatal death: A metasynthesis. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 121(8), 943–950.

Moore, S. E., & Côté-Arsenault, D. (2018). Navigating an uncertain journey of pregnancy after perinatal loss. Illness, Crisis & Loss, 26(1), 58–74.

Murphy, M., Savage, E., O’Donoghue, K., Leary, J. O., & Leahy-Warren, P. (2021). Trying to conceive: An interpretive phenomenological analysis of couples’ experiences of pregnancy after stillbirth. Women and Birth, 34(5), e475–e481.

O’Leary, J., Parker, L., Murphy, M. M., & Warland, J. (2021). Different baby, different story: Pregnancy and parenting after loss. Rowman & Littlefield.

Stacey, T., Thompson, J. M. D., Mitchell, E. A., Ekeroma, A. J., Zuccollo, J. M., & McCowan, L. M. E. (2011). Association between maternal sleep practices and risk of late stillbirth: A case-control study. BMJ, 342(jun14 1), d3403–d3403.

Stillbirth Collaborative Research Network Writing Group. (2011). Causes of death among stillbirths. JAMA, 306(22), 2459.

Warland, J., Dorrian, J., Morrison, J. L., & O’Brien, L. M. (2018). Maternal sleep during pregnancy and poor fetal outcomes: A scoping review of the literature with meta-analysis. Sleep Medicine Reviews, 41, 197–219.

Warland, J., Heazell, A. E. P., Stacey, T., Coomarasamy, C., Budd, J., Mitchell, E. A., & O’Brien, L. M. (2018). “They told me all mothers have worries”, stillborn mother’s experiences of having a ‘gut instinct’ that something is wrong in pregnancy: Findings from an international case–control study. Midwifery, 62, 171–176.

Warland, J., McCutcheon, H., & Baghurst, P. (2008). Maternal blood pressure in pregnancy and stillbirth: A case-control study of third-trimester stillbirth. American Journal of Perinatology, 25(5), 311–317.

Wilson, B. (2008). Sonography of the placenta and umbilical cord. Radiologic Technology, 79(4), 333S-345S.

 Yerlikaya, G., Akolekar, R., McPherson, K., Syngelaki, A., & Nicolaides, K. H. (2016). Prediction of stillbirth from maternal demographic and pregnancy characteristics: Prediction of stillbirth from maternal factors. Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology, 48(5), 607–612.

Horey, D., Flenady, V., Heazell, A. E., & Khong, T. Y. (2013). Interventions for supporting parents’ decisions about autopsy after stillbirth. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews

Miller, E. S., Minturn, L., Linn, R., Weese-Mayer, D. E., & Ernst, L. M. (2016). Stillbirth evaluation: A stepwise assessment of placental pathology and autopsy. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology214(1), 115.e1-115.e6.
O’Donoghue, K., O’Regan, K. N., Sheridan, C. P., O’Connor, O. J., Benson, J., McWilliams, S., Moore, N., Murphy, M. J., Chopra, R., Higgins, J. R., & Maher, M. M. (2012). Investigation of the role of computed tomography as an adjunct to autopsy in the evaluation of stillbirth. European Journal of Radiology81(7), 1667–1675.
Page, J. M., Christiansen-Lindquist, L., Thorsten, V., Parker, C. B., Reddy, U. M., Dudley, D. J., Saade, G. R., Coustan, D., Rowland Hogue, C. J., Conway, D., Bukowski, R., Pinar, H., Heuser, C. C., Gibbins, K. J., Goldenberg, R. L., & Silver, R. M. (2017). Diagnostic Tests for Evaluation of Stillbirth: Results From the Stillbirth Collaborative Research Network. Obstetrics & Gynecology129(4), 699–706.
Page, J. M., & Silver, R. M. (2020). Stillbirth. Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinics of North America47(3), 439–451.
Reddy, U. M., Page, G. P., Saade, G. R., Silver, R. M., Thorsten, V. R., Parker, C. B., Pinar, H., Willinger, M., Stoll, B. J., Heim-Hall, J., Varner, M. W., Goldenberg, R. L., Bukowski, R., Wapner, R. J., Drews-Botsch, C. D., O’Brien, B. M., Dudley, D. J., & Levy, B. (2012). Karyotype versus Microarray Testing for Genetic Abnormalities after Stillbirth. New England Journal of Medicine367(23), 2185–2193.
Silver, R. M., Varner, M. W., Reddy, U., Goldenberg, R., Pinar, H., Conway, D., Bukowski, R., Carpenter, M., Hogue, C., Willinger, M., Dudley, D., Saade, G., & Stoll, B. (2007). Work-up of stillbirth: A review of the evidence. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology196(5), 433–444.

Horey, D., Flenady, V., Heazell, A. E., & Khong, T. Y. (2013). Interventions for supporting parents’ decisions about autopsy after stillbirth. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.

Cacciatore, J., Schnebly, S., & Froen, J. F. (2009). The effects of social support on maternal anxiety and depression after stillbirth. Health & Social Care in the Community, 17(2), 167–176.

Flenady, V., Boyle, F., Koopmans, L., Wilson, T., Stones, W., & Cacciatore, J. (2014). Meeting the needs of parents after a stillbirth or neonatal death. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 121, 137–140.

Koopmans, L., Wilson, T., Cacciatore, J., & Flenady, V. (2013). Support for mothers, fathers and families after perinatal death. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.

O’Donoghue, K., O’Regan, K. N., Sheridan, C. P., O’Connor, O. J., Benson, J., McWilliams, S., Moore, N., Murphy, M. J., Chopra, R., Higgins, J. R., & Maher, M. M. (2012). Investigation of the role of computed tomography as an adjunct to autopsy in the evaluation of stillbirth. European Journal of Radiology, 81(7), 1667–1675.

Cacciatore, J., Schnebly, S., & Froen, J. F. (2009). The effects of social support on maternal anxiety and depression after stillbirth. Health & Social Care in the Community, 17(2), 167–176.

Flenady, V., Boyle, F., Koopmans, L., Wilson, T., Stones, W., & Cacciatore, J. (2014). Meeting the needs of parents after a stillbirth or neonatal death. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 121, 137–140.

Koopmans, L., Wilson, T., Cacciatore, J., & Flenady, V. (2013). Support for mothers, fathers and families after perinatal death. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. Cacciatore, J., Schnebly, S., & Froen, J. F. (2009). The effects of social support on maternal anxiety and depression after stillbirth. Health & Social Care in the Community, 17(2), 167–176. 

Flenady, V., Boyle, F., Koopmans, L., Wilson, T., Stones, W., & Cacciatore, J. (2014). Meeting the needs of parents after a stillbirth or neonatal death. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 121, 137–140.

Koopmans, L., Wilson, T., Cacciatore, J., & Flenady, V. (2013). Support for mothers, fathers and families after perinatal death. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.

Page, J. M., Christiansen-Lindquist, L., Thorsten, V., Parker, C. B., Reddy, U. M., Dudley, D. J., Saade, G. R., Coustan, D., Rowland Hogue, C. J., Conway, D., Bukowski, R., Pinar, H., Heuser, C. C., Gibbins, K. J., Goldenberg, R. L., & Silver, R. M. (2017). Diagnostic Tests for Evaluation of Stillbirth: Results From the Stillbirth Collaborative Research Network. Obstetrics & Gynecology, 129(4), 699–706.

Cacciatore, J., Schnebly, S., & Froen, J. F. (2009). The effects of social support on maternal anxiety and depression after stillbirth. Health & Social Care in the Community, 17(2), 167–176. 

Flenady, V., Boyle, F., Koopmans, L., Wilson, T., Stones, W., & Cacciatore, J. (2014). Meeting the needs of parents after a stillbirth or neonatal death. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 121, 137–140.

Koopmans, L., Wilson, T., Cacciatore, J., & Flenady, V. (2013). Support for mothers, fathers and families after perinatal death. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.

Page, J. M., & Silver, R. M. (2020). Stillbirth. Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinics of North America, 47(3), 439–451.

Cacciatore, J., Schnebly, S., & Froen, J. F. (2009). The effects of social support on maternal anxiety and depression after stillbirth. Health & Social Care in the Community, 17(2), 167–176.

Flenady, V., Boyle, F., Koopmans, L., Wilson, T., Stones, W., & Cacciatore, J. (2014). Meeting the needs of parents after a stillbirth or neonatal death. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 121, 137–140.

Koopmans, L., Wilson, T., Cacciatore, J., & Flenady, V. (2013). Support for mothers, fathers and families after perinatal death. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.

Reddy, U. M., Page, G. P., Saade, G. R., Silver, R. M., Thorsten, V. R., Parker, C. B., Pinar, H., Willinger, M., Stoll, B. J., Heim-Hall, J., Varner, M. W., Goldenberg, R. L., Bukowski, R., Wapner, R. J., Drews-Botsch, C. D., O’Brien, B. M., Dudley, D. J., & Levy, B. (2012). Karyotype versus Microarray Testing for Genetic Abnormalities after Stillbirth. New England Journal of Medicine, 367(23), 2185–2193.

Cacciatore, J., Schnebly, S., & Froen, J. F. (2009). The effects of social support on maternal anxiety and depression after stillbirth. Health & Social Care in the Community, 17(2), 167–176.

Flenady, V., Boyle, F., Koopmans, L., Wilson, T., Stones, W., & Cacciatore, J. (2014). Meeting the needs of parents after a stillbirth or neonatal death. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 121, 137–140.

Koopmans, L., Wilson, T., Cacciatore, J., & Flenady, V. (2013). Support for mothers, fathers and families after perinatal death. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.

Silver, R. M., Varner, M. W., Reddy, U., Goldenberg, R., Pinar, H., Conway, D., Bukowski, R., Carpenter, M., Hogue, C., Willinger, M., Dudley, D., Saade, G., & Stoll, B. (2007). Work-up of stillbirth: A review of the evidence. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 196(5), 433–444.

Blood, C., & Cacciatore, J. (2014). Best practice in bereavement photography after perinatal death: Qualitative analysis with 104 parents. BMC Psychology, 2(15).

Bornemisza, A. Y., Javor, R., & Erdos, M. B. (2021). Sibling Grief over Perinatal Loss—A Retrospective Qualitative Study. Journal of Loss and Trauma, 1–17.

Cacciatore, J. (2010). The Unique Experiences of Women and Their Families After the Death of a Baby. Social Work in Health Care, 49(2), 134–148. 

Davidson, D. (2018). The need for bereavement support following perinatal loss. Bereavement Care, 37(1), 31–34.

Davoudian, T., Gibbins, K., & Cirino, N. H. (2021). Perinatal Loss: The Impact on Maternal Mental Health. Obstetrical & Gynecological Survey, 76(4), 223–233. 

Herbert, D., Young, K., Pietrusińska, M., & MacBeth, A. (2022). The mental health impact of perinatal loss: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Affective Disorders, 297, 118–129. 

Kenner, C., Press, J., & Ryan, D. (2015). Recommendations for palliative and bereavement care in the NICU: A family-centered integrative approach. Journal of Perinatology, 35(S1), S19–S23. 

Koopmans, L., Wilson, T., Cacciatore, J., & Flenady, V. (2013). Support for mothers, fathers and families after perinatal death. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 

Leon, I. G. (2009). Helping Families Cope with Perinatal Loss. The Global Library of Women’s Medicine. 

Roberts, L. R., Sarpy, N. L., Peters, J., Nick, J. M., & Tamares, S. (2022). Bereavement care immediately after perinatal loss in health care facilities: A scoping review protocol. JBI Evidence Synthesis, 20(3), 860–866. 

Williams, T. (n.d.). Bereavement Care: The Development of Comprehensive Bereavement Resources for Families Who Experience Neonatal Loss. 

Boyle, F. M., Horey, D., Middleton, P. F., & Flenady, V. (2020). Clinical practice guidelines for perinatal bereavement care—An overview. Women and Birth, 33(2), 107–110.

Cacciatore, J. (2010). The Unique Experiences of Women and Their Families After the Death of a Baby. Social Work in Health Care, 49(2), 134–148.

Cacciatore, J., Thieleman, K., Fretts, R., & Jackson, L. B. (2021). What is good grief support? Exploring the actors and actions in social support after traumatic grief. PLOS ONE, 16(5), e0252324.

Capitulo, K. L. (2005). Evidence for healing interventions with perinatal bereavement. MCN: The American Journal of Maternal/Child Nursing, 30(6), 389–396.

Carter, B. S. (2007). Neonatal and infant death: What bereaved parents can teach us. Journal of Perinatology, 27(8), 467–468.

Dickens, J. (2020). Lactation after loss: Supporting women’s decision-making following perinatal death. British Journal of Midwifery, 28(7), 442–448.

Fernández‐Basanta, S., Coronado, C., & Movilla‐Fernández, M. (2020). Multicultural coping experiences of parents following perinatal loss: A meta‐ethnographic synthesis. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 76(1), 9–21.

Herbert, D., Young, K., Pietrusińska, M., & MacBeth, A. (2022). The mental health impact of perinatal loss: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Affective Disorders, 297, 118–129.

Koopmans, L., Wilson, T., Cacciatore, J., & Flenady, V. (2013). Support for mothers, fathers and families after perinatal death. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.

Minton, E. A., Wang, C. X., Anthony, C., & Fox, A. (2022). Advice from Bereaved Parents on Strategies to Heal After Baby Loss. OMEGA – Journal of Death and Dying, 003022282211335.

Noble-Carr, D., Carroll, K., & Waldby, C. (2021). Mapping Hospital-Based Lactation Care Provided to Bereaved Mothers: A Basis for Quality Improvement. Breastfeeding Medicine, 16(10), 779–789.

Watson, J., Simmonds, A., La Fontaine, M., & Fockler, M. E. (2019). Pregnancy and infant loss: A survey of families’ experiences in Ontario Canada. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 19(1), 129.

Bornemisza, A. Y., Javor, R., & Erdos, M. B. (2022). Sibling Grief over Perinatal Loss—A Retrospective Qualitative Study. Journal of Loss and Trauma27(6), 530–546.

Bugge, K. E., Darbyshire, P., Røkholt, E. G., Haugstvedt, K. T. S., & Helseth, S. (2014). Young Children’s Grief: Parents’ Understanding and Coping. Death Studies38(1), 36–43.
Children’s Bereavement Center of South Texas. (2017). Out came the sun: Helping children as they grieve. Children’s Bereavement Center of South Texas.
Davidson, D. (2018). Sibling loss—Disenfranchised grief and forgotten mourners. Bereavement Care37(3), 124–130.
Koopmans, L., Wilson, T., Cacciatore, J., & Flenady, V. (2013). Support for mothers, fathers and families after perinatal death. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews
Leon, I. G. (2009). Helping Families Cope with Perinatal Loss. The Global Library of Women’s Medicine
O’Leary, J. M., & Gaziano, C. (2011). Sibling grief after perinatal loss. Journal of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health25(3), 173–193.
Pachalla, S., Witting, C., James, K., & Michelson, K. N. (2021). Interventions for Siblings, Extended Family, and Community Members after Pediatric Death. Journal of Loss and Trauma26(6), 519–526.
Peters, M. D. J., Lisy, K., Riitano, D., Jordan, Z., & Aromataris, E. (2015). Caring for families experiencing stillbirth: Evidence-based guidance for maternity care providers. Women and Birth28(4), 272–278.
Bellhouse, C., Temple-Smith, M., Watson, S., & Bilardi, J. (2019). “The loss was traumatic… some healthcare providers added to that”: Women’s experiences of miscarriage. Women and Birth32(2), 137–146.
Black, B. P., Wright, P. M., & Limbo, R. K. (2018). Perinatal and pediatric bereavement in nursing and other health professions ([Enhanced Credo edition]). Springer Publishing Company, Credo Reference.
Cullen, S., Coughlan, B., McMahon, A., Casey, B., Power, S., & Brosnan, M. (2018). Parents’ experiences of clinical care during second trimester miscarriage. British Journal of Midwifery26(5), 309–315.
Emond, T., Montigny, F., & Guillaumie, L. (2019). Exploring the needs of parents who experience miscarriage in the emergency department: A qualitative study with parents and nurses. Journal of Clinical Nursing28(9–10), 1952–1965.
Galeotti, M., Mitchell, G., Tomlinson, M., & Aventin, Á. (2022). Factors affecting the emotional wellbeing of women and men who experience miscarriage in hospital settings: A scoping review. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth22(1), 270.
Hart, S., & Walker, K. F. (2022). Caring for women experiencing miscarriage and the importance of good communicNavigating Miscarriage-Coveration. Obstetrics, Gynaecology & Reproductive Medicine32(11), 262–263.
Hiefner, A. R. (2020). “A Silent Battle”: Using a Feminist Approach to Support Couples after Miscarriage. Journal of Feminist Family Therapy32(1–2), 57–75.
Ho, A. L., Hernandez, A., Robb, J. M., Zeszutek, S., Luong, S., Okada, E., & Kumar, K. (2022). Spontaneous Miscarriage Management Experience: A Systematic Review. Cureus
Kalu, F. (2019). Women’s Experiences of Utilizing Religious and Spiritual Beliefs as Coping Resources After Miscarriage. Religions10(3), 185.
Layne, L. (2006). A Women’s Health Model for Pregnancy Loss: A Call for a New Standard of Care. Feminist Studies32(3), 573–600.
Lee, L., Ma, W., Davies, S., & Kammers, M. (2022). Toward Optimal Emotional Care During the Experience of Miscarriage: An Integrative Review of the Perspectives of Women, Partners, and Health Care Providers. Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health, jmwh.13414.
Levang, E., Limbo, R., & Ziegler, T. R. (2018). Respectful Disposition After Miscarriage: Clinical Practice Recommendations. MCN: The American Journal of Maternal/Child Nursing43(1), 19–25. Miscarriage-Cover
Aggarwal, N., & Moatti, Z. (2022). “Getting it right when it goes wrong – Effective bereavement care requires training of the whole maternity team.” Best Practice & Research Clinical Obstetrics & Gynaecology80, 92–104.
Black, B. P. (2020). Stillbirth at term: Grief theories for care of bereaved women and families in intrapartum settings. Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health65(3), 316–322.
Blood, C., & Cacciatore, J. (2014). Best practice in bereavement photography after perinatal death: Qualitative analysis with 104 parents. BMC Psychology2(15).
Cacciatore, J. (2010). The unique experiences of women and their families after the death of a baby. Social Work in Health Care49(2), 134–148.
Davidson, D. (2018). The need for bereavement support following perinatal loss. Bereavement Care37(1), 31–34.
Davoudian, T., Gibbins, K., & Cirino, N. H. (2021). Perinatal loss: The impact on maternal mental health. Obstetrical & Gynecological Survey76(4), 223–233.
Ellis, A., Chebsey, C., Storey, C., Bradley, S., Jackson, S., Flenady, V., Heazell, A., & Siassakos, D. (2016). Systematic review to understand and improve care after stillbirth: A review of parents’ and healthcare professionals’ experiences. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth16(1), 16.
Flenady, V., Boyle, F., Koopmans, L., Wilson, T., Stones, W., & Cacciatore, J. (2014). Meeting the needs of parents after a stillbirth or neonatal death. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology121, 137–140.
Hennegan, J. M., Henderson, J., & Redshaw, M. (2015). Contact with the baby following stillbirth and parental mental health and well-being: A systematic review. BMJ Open5(11), e008616.
Heustis, J., Jenkins, M., & Wolfelt, A. (2005). Companioning at a time of perinatal loss: A guide for nurses, physicians, social workers, chaplains, and other bedside caregivers. Companion.
Homer, C. S. E., Malata, A., & ten Hoope-Bender, P. (2016). Supporting women, families, and care providers after stillbirths. The Lancet387(10018), 516–517.
Koopmans, L., Wilson, T., Cacciatore, J., & Flenady, V. (2013). Support for mothers, fathers and families after perinatal death. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews
Leon, I. G. (2009). Helping families cope with perinatal loss. The Global Library of Women’s Medicine
Librizzi, R. J., Ilse, S., & Coyle, A. (2016). What to say and do right when things go wrong. Contemporary OB/GYN61(11), 22–42. CINAHL Complete.
Limbo, R., & Hutti, M. H. (2019). Perinatal bereavement care. MCN: The American Journal of Maternal/Child Nursing44(1), 5–5.
Peters, M. D. J., Lisy, K., Riitano, D., Jordan, Z., & Aromataris, E. (2015). Caring for families experiencing stillbirth: Evidence-based guidance for maternity care providers. Women and Birth28(4), 272–278.
Roberts, L. R., Sarpy, N. L., Peters, J., Nick, J. M., & Tamares, S. (2022). Bereavement care immediately after perinatal loss in health care facilities: A scoping review protocol. JBI Evidence Synthesis20(3), 860–866.
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Special thanks to Star Legacy Foundation intern Alex Schleicher for her work on this document
Beulen, L., van den Berg, M., Faas, B. H., Feenstra, I., Hageman, M., van Vugt, J. M., & Bekker, M. N. (2016). The effect of a decision aid on informed decision-making in the era of non-invasive prenatal testing: A randomized controlled trial. European Journal of Human Genetics24, 1409–1416.
Blakeley, C., Smith, D. M., Johnstone, E. D., & Wittkowski, A. (2019). Parental decision-making following a prenatal diagnosis that is lethal, life-limiting, or has long term implications for the future child and family: A meta-synthesis of qualitative literature. BMC Medical Ethics20(1), 56.
Di Mattei, V., Ferrari, F., Perego, G., Tobia, V., Mauro, F., & Candiani, M. (2021). Decision-making factors in prenatal testing: A systematic review. Health Psychology Open8(1), 205510292098745.
Dong, D., Ahmed, S., Nichini, E., Yi, H., Jafri, H., Rashid, Y., Ahmed, M., & Zhu, J. (2021). Decision making on antenatal screening results: A comparative Q‐method study of women from two Chinese cities. Health Expectations24(2), 363–376.
Special thanks to Star Legacy Foundation intern Alex Schleicher for her work on this document
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